About Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind invites and supports all people ages 4 and up to create a more joyful life. With a basic understanding of how stress impacts the brain and body, the goal is to empower each person with mindfulness tools to better manage their own physical and mental well being and experience more respectful and compassionate relationships.

Peace of Mind is unique by engaging very young children who are more than capable of learning fun, basic mindfulness foundations including important social/emotional tools. Additionally, Peace of Mind uses a simple, proven formula to help you organize and personalize your own practice. The programs are experiential, allowing each person to create a highly individualized, personal, and effective practice.

This program is intended to be used in conjunction with other professionals as needed and in no way replaces professional mental health therapeutic care. 

The Peace of Mind Journey

Peace of Mind programming grew out of direct requests from families in a small private Montessori school after Covid 19. Parents noticed that their children were not sleeping or eating well, needed help in regulating their emotions and socializing, and were being diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression at alarming rates. Forty-four years of practice and 40 years of mindful teaching resulted in Level 1 (intrapersonal mindfulness), and Level 2 (interpersonal mindfulness). Soon to follow, and as requested by families and children being served, “Peace of Mind Prep” for younger children, “Stay (or Return) and Play in a Mindful Way,” to introduce mindfulness in a single afternoon and evening, “Grad Gatherings” to support children in direct application of mindfulness to their lives, and the Adult practices were born. As demand expanded, so did the programming to offer Peace of Mind School Visits with short programs for ages 3 and up (designed specifically for particular needs), and Teacher Trainings to use mindfulness to prevent compassion fatigue and burnout (and also earn continuing education credit for licensure). What’s next? Full-day and weekend retreats for adults, specifically-designed programs to enhance sports, performance and team building (Boy and Girl Scouts, workplace wellness programs, etc.), and a guide book to support mindful living: “Living in Wonder and Awe: A Mindfulness Foundation for Cultivating Joy and Peace of Mind Everyday.”

I have deep gratitude for the authenticity of this programming and every person (child and adult) who co-created it with me simply by paying attention to where it would be helpful and most accessible.

Peace of Mind is experiential: all programs are designed to support each person discover what works best for them, how to use these tools in challenging moments, and how to create a daily practice to incorporate mindfulness seamlessly throughout the day so that fewer moments feel challenging. The ultimate result: by living mindfully, the joys of life are more easily accessed and directly experienced!

Why Practice With Me?

My name is Jill, and I have studied and practiced with master teachers in various mindfulness techniques for 35 years. Having experienced direct benefits ranging from simple daily joys to the reversal of a debilitating chronic disease, I am deeply passionate in supporting others discover the simple power of mindfulness! Teacher-level trained in Kriya Yoga, Thai Yoga, and Hatha Yoga, I hold multiple advanced certifications to teach mindfulness from Penn State, Pro Solutions, Successful Solutions, and the Childcare Education Institute. I am a credentialed specialty teacher trainer from Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services in the area of Developing Mindfulness Skills for Adults and Children.

I have been teaching mindfulness for over 40 years– my first teaching experience was to young tennis players (in the late ‘80s, mindfulness was often called “sports psychology”). I taught mindfulness skills to inmates who were incarcerated as a result of violent crime (in the ‘90s, mindfulness was often referred to as “anger management”). Regardless of its name, mindful techniques have been around for at least 5,000 years, and I look forward to exploring how this simple practice can help you and those you care about create a more joyful and healthy life!